Woman to Woman, Let's keep it real...

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Why is it, that us women feel threatened by one another, and we feel the need to compare ourselves to one another, and COMPETE with one another, why is it that we judge one another, and make assumptions, and we put each other down... why is it that we often feel bad if another woman 'looks 'better, mothers better, is a better wife, better cook, better friend, or just generally has her shit 'together better  - that 'we feel intimidated?? WHY??

I am a mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife, a friend, I work, I play, I drink coffee, I drink wine, I cook, clean, drive, eat, grocery shop, I AM A WOMAN, trying to do a million things... I have good days, and bad days, some days I look good, and some days I look terrible, some days I can cope, some days I can not ... that is because  I am living life, and often it ain't perfect... so let's stop pretending it is perfect, and let's embrace all the days we have as WOMEN...

I am trying to be the best at everything I do in my life.. of course I am, aren't we all?, I am striving to be a good person, a good mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend ... aren't we all striving for this same goal? to succeed in everything we do, to live a life of happiness, laughter, good times, I am striving to do it ALL 'perfectly' because that is the expectation I feel is on me, now so more than ever with everyone's Facebook posts, and instagram photos full of PERFECT bloody images...  

However, I don't think us women need to feel threatened by one another ANYMORE - we need to EMBRACE each other, we need to acknowledge each other in our successes and our failures because we are all AMAZING, but some days are NOT amazing, and we do NOT have our shit together!! .... and THAT IS PERFECTLY OK!

I feel like we all as women, need to help, support, and love each other rather than feel intimidated, threatened, or bad... I feel we need to be HONEST with each other, and realise that there is no such thing as the PERFECT life...

We all put our undies on the same way (unless you have visible panty line and you don't put them on at all, but you get my drift), we are all awesome, we all do our best, and we all have amazing days with everything going well, and then just as often we have days that we feel we need a paper bloody bag over our heads and want to stay in bed. I say lets EMBRACE all the days, that is LIFE, and LIFE is for living, and enjoying... the good, the bad and the ugly....

Let's start to keep it real - woman to woman - let's be honest, put that guard down, and I challenge you to put a photo on your FB page, of 'keeping it real - upload a pic to your instgram account that isn't PERFECT...

I can gurantee you - if we all start doing this, we will never compare each other again, we will never make assumptions or judge, or feel intimidated...


My keeping it real photo - my office where I run Kids Favourite Dinners is in my laundry - I call it the Laundroffice - yep, I have washing to fold, ironing to do, and wet clothes in the washing machine- and tonight I can not be bothered cooking!!

 keeping it real



#keepingitreal #womantowoman




By: Date: 28 April 2016 2 Comments

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  • Hayley Ingram 28/04/2016 9:17pm (8 years ago)

    Thank you Honi =)

  • Honi Aitken 28/04/2016 8:45pm (8 years ago)

    Amen sister!