Why are ball shaped foods so appealing?

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Why are ball shaped items so appealing?

In my household at the moment we are going through a ball phase, I swear if it looks like a ball my kids will eat it. We started off with meatballs, and they are always a winner.. I am not sure if it is because they can roll a perfect round ball (thank you playdough) and they can help, or if it is because they can fit them in their mouth in one go?, I cannot for the life of me figure it out, so I am “rolling” with it, basically making everything into balls… so far we have had prawn balls, tuna patty balls, chicken rissole balls, mozzarella meatballs… and of course rum balls for dessert.

Give it a go, and let me know your favourite BALL recipe…

Kids, sometimes you just have to go with what works at the time, right?

Catch you soon for the next blog… I’m off to google ball food.



Hayley xx

By: Hayley Ingram Date: 16 November 2015 0 Comments

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