Hayley's Hacks

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Hayley’s Hacks

Being organised is something that you can all do, especially with these helpful hacks, tips! You will also find you save money, and time.


  1. Freezer and Pantry checks – Always know what you have on hand
  2. Meal plan – On a Sunday night I log onto www.kidsfavouritedinners.com or go on the free app and plan my meals for the week, I know what meat I still have in the freezer so I choose meals with that particular protein ie; sausages in freezer / devilled sausages
  3. Meal planner tip –http://kidsfavouritedinners.com/meal-plans/ choose 1 meal a week to make a double batch – I always do a double batch for one meal for the freezer every week, you will love having a pre-made meal on hand for those crazy nights when the activities are OOC and you don’t get home till late, or when you just can’t be bothered. You will save so much money doing this rather than buying takeaway that costs a fortune and usually Is not satisfying. Shepherds pie, lasagne, Bolognese, stews, taco mince, curried sausages are my regular freezer items.
  4. Coles online – http://shop.coles.com.au/online/  I go onto Coles online and order everything off my automatic shopping list – this prevents me from buying unnecessary items that I don’t need, or that my children assure me they need
  5. Write your meals on the meal planner PDF off the FB community Group files https://www.facebook.com/groups/kidsfavouritedinners/files/  – your kids will love knowing what is coming up for dinner, and they seem to enjoy rating the meals (which also allows you to know what is working, and what is not)
  6. Groceries – when your groceries arrive, take the time to cut up the fruit, cheese, cucumber, carrot sticks and place into containers so when your kids ask for a snack they can easily get to it, this also helps when you make the kids lunches as everything is at hand and already cut.
  7. Kids Lunches – Make the night before, mornings are too rushed.
  8. To do lists – make kids accountable and give each child a list they need to do before any free time in the mornings.
  9. Have things to make your life easier – the things I ALWAYS have on hand
  • Foil Trays – who needs extra dishes
  • Frozen meals
  • Frozen cookie dough (unexpected guests, no worries)
  • Frozen apple pie filling (quick deserts, you’ve got this!)
  • Wine – we are mothers ESSENTIAL item
  • Fruit – we always have fruit pre-cut in containers that the kids can have

I hope these things help you, they certainly help me.

Much love,


By: Date: 7 June 2016 0 Comments

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