Fussy Little RATBAGS!

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Mostly dinner times are fairly good around here, however last night felt like a Mexican standoff between my 5 year old son and a bowl of pasta, which is normally one of his favourite god damn meals! He does this from time to time, actually all three of them do, in fact now I am thinking about it, it seems they take it in turns…

 “Ok Olly (Mr 5) you were difficult for Mum last night, I (Miss 7) will give it a crack tonight, and Mia (miss 1) you can have a go tomorrow and maybe throw all the food off the high chair to really send her batty!

It made me realize, I need to put my foot down once and for all, and be strong in following through with my threats! Usually, I will admit I am a sucker at night because I am just too tired to argue, “and quite frankly I just want them to go to bed ASAP ! usually I will be strong and then just before bed give in and get them fruit!... but I am taking action!

I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE IN ANYMORE and you are all my witnesses

Last night, I told MR 5 to leave the table, there will be nothing else. He was totally cool with that, couldn’t have given a hoot… while I was steaming out of my ears.. He skipped off to play… about an hour later he asked for some biscuits. I said NO, but here is your lovely pasta, he still refused, just before bed, he asked to eat his school lunch.. And again he was offered his pasta which was not looking quite so lovely now, but I just didn’t care. He refused.

The first time ever he went to bed without any dinner, and yes there were tears at bed time. He slept all night and woke up completely fine, although he did smash down a huge breakfast.

It was surprisingly easier than I thought…

So ratbags, just try me tonight, go on, I dare you!

Cheers – To staying strong.

H x

By: Hayley Ingram Date: 2 February 2016 0 Comments

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