Back to School

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Back to School….


I have to admit, for the first time in a long time I really enjoyed the school holidays with our kids, don’t get me wrong I had my days, don’t we all! …but on a whole, they were good. Not having too rush, Pyjama days, platters, no real schedule to stick too…. No school lunches to make, fairly relaxed dinners… and the “holiday” habits of later bedtimes, and early wine time (for me!)…. Who wouldn’t love school holidays?

But now they are back to school, and I am trying to get them, and myself back into a routine – Yikes! I am normally a real lover of strict routines, and I must admit this week has been a bit of a struggle to actually get back to one… and not have wine at 12.01….ha!

We got used to waking whenever and as I had the time, my kids got used to requesting breakfast of their choice, sure why not? Pancakes Ava okay, Oh you want French Toast without the eggy taste, sure Olly… and Miss Mia scrambled eggs… hell yeah let’s do this…. Not a problem… I loved this… till day one of school and everyone thinks this is A OK … ummmm NOOOOOOOOO! Insert crying from Olly (6) when I presented him with weetbix, and Ava (8) giving me attitude with toast… WHAT HAVE I CREATED? Little spoilt monsters!

We are now on day three, and I am wondering why they don’t want to be back at school…(FOOL) I mean who would when they have luxury at home -  a personal chef, clothes washer, bed maker, cuddle giver, fixer of all things! ME…. Again, FOOL!

I JUST REALISED I HAVE MADE A ROD FOR MY OWN BACK all whilst just trying to CHILL OUT in the holidays….

So, hit me with your TIPS on having fun … but not too much in the holidays, and getting ready for the back to school routines…


H xx

By: Date: 3 February 2017 0 Comments

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